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Shelburne Day

August 16, 2025

We would love for you to join us in this community celebration

Shelburne Day is an annual opportunity for members of Shelburne Business and Professional Association to come out of their offices, step out from behind the counters of their shops, and meet the public. It’s an opportunity to set up a table right in the middle of the Farmers Market and spend a few hours telling about their services, their products, their histories, and their place in the economy of our town.

This year, as always, Shelburne Day is on the third Saturday of August, August 16, from 9am to 2pm, held in conjunction with the Farmers Market. Shelburne Day participation is free for members of SBPA.

To register to participate, please fill out and submit the form below.


2025 Shelburne Day Registration

Please tell us about your business or organization to register to participate in Shelburne Day. We look forward connecting with you, and hearing what you would like to share with our community.

SBPA Members- Free of charge

Non SBPA Members- $40